How did she know?
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
I opened a can of liver spread for my morning sandwich. I know it might seem weird for some people, especially for those from another country, but here, it's just a sandwich spread.
As I was feeding my little missy, she sees the bowl where the spread is and starts saying "Pâté". I was so shocked to hear her say that. I never taught her that. The only time I remember using that word was when I was pregnant with her and we ate in this fancy restaurant. Me and my hubby were with my mom, grandma and aunt and I remember them hating the stuff (duck liver).
So where'd she learn it from? Yes my little missy may be a bit advanced but I don't think it stems from things she heard in utero, right? I guess she must have seen and heard it from the TV or something.
Now I got to watch closely with her. If she can mimic and remember that, and that's not something that's shown everyday, what more about the things that are played over and over (and over). Don't take me wrong, I watch with her all the time. The only time I leave the room is when I need to make a personal break.
Studies did say that infants/toddlers absorb things like a sponge. I love the fact that she can read on her own now, and that she interacts with Team Umizumi or when Mickey asks a question. I don't mind that at all, but maybe there are some things I'm still not ready for like her ability to retain words and images in a short span of time.
I see I still have lots of stuff to read on. I never knew being a first time parent would require so much learning. I am loving all of it and I'm thankful that we now have the internet.
Thanks for reading. Happy Tuesday!