Slumber Party
Monday, March 22, 2010
At 18mos, my daughter has already had her first slumber party!
Just kidding. Since my mom and 2 aunts went on the "Pilgrimage", my sister and Lola stayed with us during the day. It was so much fun seeing them play with my little princess. It's such a treat for us since we (me and my daughter) don't go out except for the weekend.
I prepared my Tuna and Pepper wrap "experiment" with mayo-garlic sauce for lunch. I didn't get to prepare more since I only knew that they would be spending the day here last night. It was pretty much a success but I made some revisions. Click HERE
to view my updated recipe.
After lunch, my sister and little one ate strawberry jello. My daughter loved it so much that I'm thinking of making cathedral windows soon. I just need to find the mold. Watch out for it!
Then came siesta. After my daughter drank her milk, she positioned herself on the bed (so did my sister, or I think she slept first). I told my Lola to grab some quick shut eye too but she said in her age, she found it hard to nap most of the time. I beg to disagree however, see below:
All in all we had a grand time even if most of it was spent sleeping. As you can gather from my previous posts, I just LOVE spending time with my family!
Off to prepare dinner. Lumpiang gulay and inihaw na liempo (Vegetable wrap and grilled pork belly).
Hope you all had a great Monday!
1 thought/s shared. Click to add yours.:
You're getting the hang of blogging ha. ;)
By the way, does the post above has a picture? Where do you host it? I'm asking because I don't see any. :(
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